Pups on the Curb | 1st Annual Contest:
Contest Dates: Mon September 13 – Weds, October 13

Savannah’s favorite family restaurant, is for EVERY member of your family, even your dog! Bring your pups Curbside for a complimentary milk-bone. Upload a photo of your dog at careyhilliards.com/contest, AND Vote for your favorite dog (yes, you can Vote for YOUR dog, DAILY). Send the link to your friends and family, and gain more Votes!
Winner, Winner, Chicken Finger Dinner
Winner will be chosen by the most votes. Winner will get their dog’s photo in the Sunday Savannah-Morning News Newspaper, on Sunday, October 17, AND a $100 Carey Hilliard’s E-Gift Card emailed to them.
Caution! If you DON’T want your dogs’ picture seen “far-and-wide,” no need to upload. Just vote. Winning is sure to turn your dog into a: celebrity status, high-maintenance, attention-loving, bone-chewing, spoiled canine (if, by chance, they aren’t that already).

Contest Update
As of this writing, (Friday 9.19.21) Bryce-Jacksyne has a nice lead at 48 Votes, followed by Tackle – in 2nd, and Cody & Copper in 3rd.
Best of luck, to all our 4-legged friends,
-T.J. Hilliard, General Counsel