Covid-19 Update
Carey Hilliard’s | from The CEO
Business Hours |
Stores remain at Normal Operation: 11am-midnight, and ’til 1am on Friday & Saturday night. Inside (for now, but will likely change) and Curbside Open.
Store Cleanliness |
Our Staff is in full-clean mode, taking extra steps, to make sure you’re safe visiting Carey Hilliard’s. We’re disinfecting high-traffic areas like door handles, tables, and counters. Sanitizer Stations are setup at the front door and counter.
Curb Service |
There’s never been a better time for curb-service, and we know curb-service, better than anyone. Call-in a Take-Out, Order Online, or Dine-In on the Curb. We’ll have your food ready when you arrive.
Dine-In your Car (emphasis added)! We hang a tray on your window, and bring the food out on plates- just like dining inside the restaurant, but in your car! It’s at throwback to the Diner Drive-Ins, of the 50’s and 60’s but with modern convenience of today’s world.