Years’ of Service Awards | 2022
Friday, October 21, 2022
3m read
Years’ of Service Awards | 2022
This year, 2 Porters, a Cook, the company CEO, and delivery Driver: Fred, will receive their Years of Service Awards, below, celebrating their long-term careers, and 110 years of Experience!~
Last year, we were excited to add 2 new levels – earlier than the normal starting 20-year benchmark: a 10-Year Milestone at $1,000, and a 15-Year Milestone at $1,500.
Also last year, 30 Employees reached those levels, some retroactively.
This year, we have 3 new recipients at the 10 and 15-year milestones!
Carey Hillard’s will award a total of $66,500 this year in holiday bonuses (below)!
Coming Up…this Year 2022:
Years of Service Bonus Level
10 Years $1,000 | Tommy Bostick
10 Years $1,000 | Ronald Harris Jr.
15 Years $1,500 | Latoya Milton
40 Years | G. Timothy Hilliard
45 Year. Car worth $40k | Fred Jordan 🚗🥇
As always, we’re grateful for the opportunity to serve you.
-T.J. Hilliard