Summer Yeti Giveaway | Drawing Friday July 1, 2022

Phew, it’s hot outside.  Welcome, Summer-time.  We all need something to look forward to these days, and this may be your Summer Boost! 

Add Fried Chicken and the New Flash-Fried Barbecue Ribs, from Carey Hilliard’s, and you’re ready for the beach. 


On the way back from the beach, drop into any location, and Enter-to-Win.  There are 2 weeks left to Enter!  Details below:

One winner will be chosen from each restaurant. 

Winners will be chosen by random drawing and receive:

(1) Yeti Roadie 24 Hard Cooler;

(2) Carey Hilliard’s or Boat T-shirts (your choice of size); and

(2) Carey Hilliard’s Hats (new!)

As always, we grateful for the opportunity to serve you. 

-T.J. Hilliard